Your Trusted Partner
in CCTV and Security Solutions
CCTV has become an essential tool in the protection of assets and people. It’s used every day throughout the country in various forms but the end goal is the same, to protect and monitor properties. Over the years the systems available have grown in both uses and quality and with that the opportunities to utilise the technology have become more and more available.
We supply, install and maintain a huge range of systems from single cameras on entrance doors to remote viewed IP systems with ultra-high definition cameras and motion detain technology.
We have also built a reputation for offering solutions to remote sites with solar powered wireless cameras that can alert you should the motion detectors be triggered.
CCTV Explained
CCTV comes in many shapes and forms from hardwired analogue systems, wireless cameras on 4G networks to IP systems. We take care of them all.
CCTV can be as much of a headache as a help, especially when it isn’t working correctly. Issues can arise from water ingress, poor installation, cable degradation and a multitude of other issues but the end result is faulty CCTV with poor coverage or haphazard recording.
So, whether it’s a faulty DVR a network that’s not quite a network or blown amazon cameras get in touch and let us take away the stress.