Your Trusted Partner
in Access Control and Security Solutions
We have a dedicated team who specialise in the Installation, Maintenance and Repair of Access Control Systems. We keep a track of all the latest products available and keep a large stock.
We also stock parts for a huge range of products new and old, so when they do fail, we can usually fix the issues and extend the life of your product. In most cases, we can fix any issues on the first visit in 85% of the time and even if we haven't got the right part, we guarantee to never leave your property unsecured.
Our engineers can take care of every aspect of your installation, from coming out and giving you solid advice based on your needs to designing the system for you to ensure you get the maximum security and the best value for money.
We also offer our clients a dedicated planned and emergency maintenance service to ensure that your system, whatever the age is kept in good working order and is kept secure. The last thing you want is your mag locks failing or a fail secure system going down and disrupting the workplace.
For the times when something does go wrong, we also offer an emergency repair service to ensure that the disruption is minimal, so your security isn't compromised.